Monday, June 18, 2007

Organic Sheets at Target!

If you love Target as much as I do, you must head over now, because their organic sheet sets are on sale!

Starting at $19.99 for a twin set, that can't be beat. :)

Needless to say I bought some of course :)

P.S. They also carry bamboo sheet sets online, and they seem to really have rave reviews! I'd pick some up, but I like buying in person vs online because I hate waiting!! :P


Anonymous said...

ooh tell me how those target sheets feel!

Unknown said...

I'm excited about getting a set of the organic cotton sheets since we have a set of the bamboo and LOVE them. My husband didn't care too much when I bought the bamboo ones, but he is the first one to go digging in the linen closet if they are not on the bed. Buy them online if you can. They haven't been in the store in a long while.

susan yee said...

GREEN - awesome! I'm really thinking about getting the bamboo ones now since they're on sale.. maybe I'll just wait again? I've spent so much money in the past day as it is!!

CAROL - they feel nice! Not the BEST sheets I've ever had in the world... my old Egyptian cotton ones feel much smoother.. but nothing uncomfortable! Although, some may differ - it probably depends on what you consider uncomfortable. I want to try the bamboo ones next, esp since people seem to think that they're better!

nicholei said...

What is the point of Organic Sheets?

Anonymous said...

NICHOLEI - There is a very valid point in having organic sheets. Just think - the cotton/bamboo (or whatever fiber they are made of!) has been grown with no chemicals, i.e. it's organic. Therefore, the production of organic sheets is far kinder to the environment than regular mass-produced fibers that have been grown drenched in pesticides. Hope that makes sense! I know I can get preachy and start to ramble - please forgive!

Ben said...

Another point is cotton grown for textile use is one of the most heavily sprayed plants for pesticides.

Of all of the insecticides used globally each year, 25% of it is used on cotton.

Five of the top nine pesticides used on cotton in the U.S. (cyanide, dicofol, naled, propargite, and trifluralin) are KNOWN cancer-causing chemicals. All nine are classified by the U.S. EPA as Category I and II— the most dangerous chemicals.

Check out

It's pretty wild. It makes you think about the fabrics that touch your skin for extended periods of time. To me having organic sheets might even be better than eating organic food because the pesticides in food at least has to be considered somewhat safe.

Unknown said...

this Sheets Looking Very Nice & Comfortable, & Smooth. We Seen Such a Nice sheets At
at very cheap rate.

Anonymous said...

such a nice blogs and also this sheets looks good as quality, I think you may also find such kind of collections at discount rate on

Unknown said...

Different types of collection u have but i am surprise for organic sheet sets. I like ur blog very much. Before some days i have purchase fashion apparels online through this site with cheap rate.

Kailyn said...

Oh!! It's nice organic sheets!! I too got new sheets and and pillows from Target...

Anonymous said...

I didn't know Target now sells Egyptian cotton sheets. I should check them out later this week.

Angelina said...

It is very wonderful to know that everyone is trying to participate in the campaign for a "greener" Earth! Exciting! By the way, how do those sheets feel? I think I will be purchasing one as Christmas present!

Unknown said...

I did some research on sheets. I called Company Store. All their sheets have been treated with formaldehyde. So that they have that "nice" feel. Same with Crate and Barrel. I have not called other companies, but when a label says 100% cotton, it is still legal in the USA to treat the cotton with any chemical, no matter how unsafe, unhealthy, or dangerous. I think Organic sheets are a better option, even if they don't have that smooth feel we are accustomed to from the last few years. Back when people used untreated cotton, they ironed or mangled the wrinkly sheets with hot presses to get them to feel that smoothness. Today, formaldehyde does the trick. Unfortunately it is toxic to many people, possibly even a carcinogen. We need labels that say what fibers and what chemicals are in each sheet, garment, and towel.

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Unknown said...

I am in LOVE with my organic sheets!!! They are so soft and I love crawling into bed now. Hope you love yours as much as I love mine!